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OpenAPS Targets Settings


  • High Temptarget Raises Sensitivity: Enable if you exercise frequently with high temp targets, and you find yourself going low.

High Temptarget Raises Sensitivity

Please read Autosens and Dynamic ISF/ICR for more information.

Normally iAPS assumes your sensitivity will be lower with higher blood sugar levels (resulting in greater amounts of insulin being delivered). During periods of exercise, some people may instead experience increased sensitivity to insulin. With this feature enabled, setting a high temporary target will decrease the autosens ratio being utilized for ISF and basal adjustments, resulting in less insulin being delivered overall. This scales with the temporary target set; higher and higher temp targets lead to lower and lower insulin delivery in the form of basal rates and corrections.

Note that this setting also disables Dynamic ISF when high temp targets are set.

Low Temptarget Lowers Sensitivity

Please read Autosens and Dynamic ISF/ICR for more information.

When planning to have a heavy meal, you may want to set a low temporary target to avoid high blood sugar spikes. You may also want iAPS to deliver more insulin during this time to prevent meals from spiking too high. Enabling this feature will increase your autosens.ratio, which is utilized for ISF and basal adjustments, resulting in greater insulin delivery. This will allow iAPS to better deal with post-prandial spiking.

Sensitivity Raises Target

When performing autosens and insulin dosing calculations, iAPS uses a target blood glucose that is by default the lower value in your target range.

Example: Bill has a target range of 5.5 to 6.0. His target blood glucose is thus 5.5. (Note that Bill's target is not exactly this value; iAPS alters the target via autosens to improve its dosing)

When "Sensitivity Raises Target" is enabled, iAPS will set a higher blood glucose target to base its insulin dosage calculations off of if it detects sensitivity. This can be useful if you find iAPS is too aggressively.

Advanced information: Please read Autosens and Dynamic ISF/ICR for more information.

If the autosens.ratio is determined to be <1.0, this setting comes into effect and increases the blood glucose target by a small amount. See the OpenAPS code base for the exact formulas used.

Resistance Lowers Target

See "Sensitivity Raises Target" for more information. When iAPS detects high insulin resistance, it will set a lower blood glucose target for insulin dosage calculations, providing more insulin overall. This is useful for patients who experience uncontrollable highs.

Advanced information: Please read Autosens and Dynamic ISF/ICR for more information.

If the autosens.ratio is determined to be >1.0, this setting comes into effect and decreases the blood glucose target by a small amount. See the OpenAPS code base for the exact formulas used.

Advanced Target Adjustments

Deprecated; autosens has alternative functions for determining if insulin can be safely added when high.

Exercise Mode

Redundant; same as "High Temptarget Raises Sensitivity". Enabling either feature will provide the desired changed to sensitivity with high temp targets.

Half Basal Exercise Target

This setting allows you to control the reduction in basal when using either "Exercise Mode" or "High Temptarget Raises Sensitivity." Default is 160 mg/dL meaning basal will be at 50% of your scheduled with a temporary target at 160, 60% at 140, and 75% at 120.

Advanced information: See openAPS code for more information. The formula used is:

  • (halfBasalTarget - 100)/((halfBasalTarget - 100)+(targetBG-100))

Example: Bill has a halfBasalTarget of 160 and has set a temporary target of 120 for his upcoming exercise. Therefore only 75% of his scheduled basal rate will be provided:

  • (160 - 100)/((160 - 100) + (120 - 100)) = 0.75

Wide BG Target Range

By default iAPS ignores your upper value when setting a target range.

Example: Bill has set a target range of 5.5-6.0. iAPS internally sets it at 5.5-5.5.

This setting allows you to change that behaviour so iAPS targets a desired range instead of your lower value.

Note: This feature is likely to be deprecated from the OpenAPS algorithm soon.